

Micropenis (small sized penis) is a condition in which abnormally small penis is discovered in infancy or very early childhood, but structure of penis is normal and is caused due to hormonal or genetics abnormalities. Micropenis, many times, gives rise to psychological disturbance in a child.


  • 1. Proper physical examination of penis
  • 2. By taking measurement of stretched penile length (SPL).


  • 1. Fetal testosterone deficiency.
  • 2. Genetics syndromes.
  • 3. Obesity – lots of belly fat
  • 4. Abnormal levels of hormone.


  • 1. Penis measures less than 1.9cm (new born baby).
  • 2. Penis measures less than 3.8 cm (prepubertal boys).
  • 3. Penis measures less than 9.3 cm (adult).


Treatment is given according to the patients age and cause of micropenis.

Urologist will examine you, may ask you to do some blood test. Urologist will suggest you hormonal treatment, which will give you fairly good result.Hormonal therapy is used to treat which cause penile growth.

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